Apostle Stephen Ifekoya and Dr Kelechi Ifekoya have been using their marriage experiences to help husbands and wives in resolving marriage challenges, so they have a marriage without a hitch. They are the conveners of Marriage CommuniK8, a project that teaches and allows participants to discuss various ways to handle communiK8XN in marriage to avert marriage challenges. They co-founded The Restored Family Foundation. They have passion to impact orphans, young Africans, underprivileged children and women. They co-authored a book, titled 23 Years Unpacked. Apostle Stephen’s books include Soaring High Like Eagles: The People That Wait On God and Principles of a Fruitful Life. Dr Kelechi’s books include Unlocking Doors: Power of The Bended Knee; Prayer: The Heartbeat Of God; and Come Boldly To The Throne Of Grace. They are blessed with three adult children.