Love Freedom Live Passionately


Love Freedom Live Passionately

by Nomzamo Mosia

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The purpose of freedom is not for freebies; but for us to freely live out the wealth of our dreams. With this book I want to remind my generation that those who came before us fought for the freedom we have today; simply because they had DREAMS. It was not because they wanted freebies, they fought for freedom not for handouts instead they fought to have their hands on the plow. They fought for freedom to own the work of their own hands; because to be a slave is to allow another man to use your hands simply because you don’t know enough to use your own mind to serve the purpose of your own hands. We need to realize that they fought for freedom because they had DREAMS impressed in them that wouldn’t allow them to be oppressed, giving them the desire to express the greatness that is within all of us. People are not poor because of unavailable funds; people are poor because they don’t enrich their minds. With this book I want to encourage you to renew your mind young person; because it is with a change of mind that you will make valuable changes in your life and realize what you have in your hands. Learning to express what you carry inside for the outside, it is with the increase of knowledge that we will be able to make valuable changes in our lives. I encourage you to sail in the brilliance of your own mind! And of course, it comes with a price! But it will only cost you what you already have on the inside of you. You have potential, develop it/develop yourself and turn your potential energy into kinetic energy and not pathetic energy and that is how you will live out the wealth of your dreams. Remember your dreams are more about what you can give to others more than they are about what you can receive from others.

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Author: Nomzamo Mosia

Page Count: 152 pages
Language: English

Publisher: Zion Publications

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Printed Book / Soft Cover (Worldwide), Printed Book / Soft Cover (South Africa), Electronic Book (eBook), Amazon Kindle